Friday, January 18, 2008

Session 12

Session 12

January 17, 2008

NPC - Nim - Streetrat (rogue)
WildElf - Hekdar - Sunpriest (clergy of Solace)
Taran - Elensar – Ranger
Oz- Ozerman - fighter
NPC - Red - Red knight
NPC - Bexar Mexia - Wizard
MrHack (left due to techical difficulties) - Krong - halforc Musketeer

The Fists gather their equiptment and set out to return to Kings Port, but first they want to see if their Kep hound and mule (with the majority of their supplies) survived the Spikefall.

I'm going to use some of the chatlog notes for the Session, I've deleted some of the dice rolls and a lot of the OOC notes and questions.

GM: you are in the mountains
GM: heading towards Aragron
GM: its windy (say about 15-25mph) and the trees are moving
GM: its dark...though you think its about 3 or so in the afternoon and the sun should be up.
GM: 3 hours goes by as you move down the mountain
Taran (Elensar): Cloudy and stormy looking or just windy and dark void?
GM: windy in the dark void
GM: which looks like a stormcloud
GM: though much thicker

The group is soon in thick forest below the frostline on the mountain that they had recently crawled through earlier. Suddenly Eric spots some movement nearby in the woods to the East.Elensar
(alerted): Eric, what do you think it is?
Ozerman: Hmmm, what. what did you find
Eric Redding: saw something
Eric Redding: Notice [ Aced 2 D4s for a Total:11] [3d4 = 11]
Eric Redding: Wild Die! [ Aced 1 D6 for a Wild Total:7] [2d6 = 7]
Bexar Mexia: Probably just Hekdar off in the brush
GM: Frost Lord: Notice [ Aced 1 D6 for a Total:10] [2d6 = 10]
The Voice: a huge figure is walking northwards through the trees
The Voice: he sees something and looks towards the group
Ozerman redies his musket
GM: the creature stands about 15' tall
The Voice: its carrying a huge club
Hekdar sighs at Bexar's comments
Ozerman: whooh he's a bigun
Frostlord: duh?
Elensar (whipsers): anyone speak Frost?
Ozerman: (no)
Eric Redding: (no)
Elensar (questioning): Did the frostlord say something to us?

The group is unaware that it is actually a pair of Frostlords, huge giants that normally dwell above the frostline in the cold mountain air. Driven down the hill by the heavy rains and darkness they are hungry and easily angered. The lead Frostlord notices Elensar and decides to grab some elf for a light snack...

Frostlord: hungry!
Ozerman: not really, but thanks for asking
The Voice: he moves up 8" towards the group
Elensar: close enough now...
Ozerman: Notice [Total:5] [1d6 = 5]
Ozerman: Wild Die! [Wild Total:2] [1d6 = 2]
Elensar: Notice [Total:3] [1d6 = 3]
Elensar: Wild Die! [Wild Total:4] [1d6 = 4]
Ozerman: Hey theres another off to the right
Frostlord: eat!
The Fists engage the Frostlords and in the battle Elensar is struck by one Frostlords massive clubs, he barely survives the injury and lays helpless and bleeding as the group finishes off the pair of massive opponents.
Eric and Hekdar call upon the healing power of Solace and save their companion. After a short rest they set out again. After nearly four hours of wet travel they find themselves approaching the smouldering remains of a cottage.
GM: Just off the road is a half-burned cottage. From what’s left it looks like a typical home. You guess it’s been smoldering through the night.
They spot some movement near the rear of the ruin and quickly go on alert.

Ozerman: There's someone in a treehouse
Elensar: We'll follow up Oz

Ozerman: Hey in the tree, what happened here

The Voice: no response
Elensar: We know you're there
Ozerman: hey Bex, send him some motivation\
Hekdar: You what happened here?
The Voice: no response
Hekdar: Is anyone in need of help?
Ozerman: oh it's a gel
Hekdar: Well come down here. I can help you.
The Voice: a small girl child with brown hair and green eyes looks out at you
Hekdar: Is there anyone else? What happened?
she shakes her head
points at the house
and makes waving motions
Ozerman: ya it's a wreak, so what
GM she looks at Oz in fear
Ozerman: anyone else in the house
GM and ducks back into the treehouse
GM: nope
GM: the house is a smouldering wreck
Ozerman: fine you guys handle her I will check out the house
GM she peeks out when Oz moves away
Hekdar: Who did this child?
GM she makes funny scratchy motions with her hands
Eric Redding: eh?
GM and points off to the South of the farm
Campaign saved.
Campaign saved.
Elensar: I'll keep lookout guys

They eventually coax the child out of the treehouse and find out that she won't talk, instead the girl makes motions when asked questions.
GM she peeks out when Oz moves away
Hekdar: Who did this child?
GM she makes funny scratchy motions with her hands
Eric Redding: eh?
GM and points off to the South of the farm
Elensar: I'll keep lookout guys
Elensar: Tracking [Total:3] [1d8 = 3]
Elensar: Wild Die! [Wild Total:3] [1d6 = 3]
Hekdar: Something with lots of legs?
GM she nods
Hekdar: How many?
GM: and waves her hands in the air
Hekdar: They came frm the sky?
GM she moves her hands frantically and points...there...there..there...
GM she points up
Hekdar looks where she is pointing
The Voice: sky
Ozerman looks up
GM: above is the cloudy dirty sky
GM she looks at Hekdar and smiles
Ozerman cleans his nails with a bayonet
Hekdar: Did they go back up to the sky?
GM she nods
Elensar (Hekdar): seems like she likes you
Hekdar nods
GM and she points at the trail in front of the house
Hekdar: They went that way too?
GM nods
Elensar: I'll take a look at the trail as well
GM: you notice a lot of disturbed dirt there
Hekdar: Are you hurt child/
GM she shakes her head
Hekdar: Why are you stilll hiding in the tree?
-> Elensar: you see some signs that someone was dragged here, also some odd tracks
-> Elensar: you've never seen them before...cloven hooved
The Voice: she points at the house
GM and makes the motions that it was on fire
Elensar: Look here Oz, do you see this?
Hekdar: Well the fire is now out. It is safe now.
They determine that some sort of multilegged creatures had attacked the farmstead, and that another creature; one with cloven hooves was also there. They gather up the child and return to their trek. After two more hours of travel they return to the entrance of the Sa Karan ruins and find, much to their amazement that the Kep hound and mule have survived. The horses appear to have broken free and run off. They feed and water their animals and set up camp for the night in the nearby cave entrance.

Game ends.

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