Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Session 11

Session 11, January, 3, 2008

NPC - Nim - Streetrat (rogue)
Oz - Bruce - Slayer (monster hunter)
WildElf - Hekdar - Sunpriest (clergy of Solace)
Taran - Elensar – Ranger
Oz- Ozerman - fighter
Harrythefish - Red - Red knight
Deguello - Bexar Mexia - Wizard
MrHack - Krong - halforc Musketeer

The party has inadvertantly alerted a band of Orcs who are rushing to investigate the blunderbuss shot fired by Krong at the dire wolves. The battle is joined and the group splits into two groups, one going after the dire wolves and the other to intercept the incoming orcs. Bexar begins to demand payment for his spells during the battle and several members of the group look amiss at him. Luckily for the party the orcs are seperated into several waves and only near the end of the battle does their tribal chief get into the fray. Realizing that his forces are in serious trouble he follows them in retreat behind a squad of female orc archers.

Not wanting to come under concentrated fire, the party moves back into cover and lets the orcs move away with their families.

Taking a short but well deserved break, the Fists of Solace discuss their treasure distribution and once again, an argument breaks out between the Bexar and Hekdar as they disagree upon who should get what. After some discussion the loot is shared amoungst the group and all seem happy with the outcome though Bexar lost the coin toss for the Bloodstone. Then, out of his boot, Hekdar produces another Bloodstone! He casually tosses it to Bexar.

“Next time share.” The Sunpriest says as the mage eagerly bares his chest to apply the stone to his flesh.

Bexar happily places a bloodstone against his chest and screams in pain as the Sa Karan artifact burns its way into his skin, he collapses to the ground for a moment then rises with the stone imbedded into his chest.. Eric says a prayer to Solace and places the other bloodstone against his body with similar results. (both have 1 wound until healed by non-magical means).

The Fists now look out over the nearby cliff wall and see a terrible sight. A huge black spike sits East of Kings Port in the once fertile farm lands outside the city! Clouds of thick black smoke pour out of the top of the spike and are obscuring the sunlight and creating a feeling of being in twilight. Near the base of the spike are burning hamlets and fields. Obviously this thing has caused the earlier earthquake and is a part of what is destroying the valley below.

Gathering their equipment; the Fists set out towards Aragron to see if anyone there survived the earthquake, and to seek out their kep hound and mule...

*note this image is copywrited by Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Good game with lots of fighting. It's interesting to see what happens when NPC's fail their Notice rolls as in the case of the Orc Chief and his minions. It really saved the parties bacon.

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