Sunday, December 23, 2007

Session 10, December 21st, 2007

Misca (new player) - Nim - Streetrat (rogue)
Oz - Bruce - Slayer (monster hunter)
WildElf - Hekdar - Sunpriest (clergy of Solace)
Taran - Elensar – Ranger
Oz- Ozerman - fighter
Harrythefish - Red - Red knight
Deguello - Bexar Mexia - Wizard
MrHack - Krong - halforc Musketeer

This post will contain you've been warned.....

Nim; a former member of the Fists, has stolen along behind the party and has been trying to find out what they've been up to. He arrived at the caves and was negotiating the collapsed tunnel trap when the earth began shaking. He fell into the pit and luckily was covered by the old section of porticulis grating as the roof above him caved in.

He spent the next two hours digging himself out of the pit. He crawled out and in the near darkness of the caves began searching for the group. Eventually he spotted a light ahead and heard some coversations. Carefully he approached, but due to his fatigue and the debris on the floor he makes some noise...

Elensar has been standing back from the group since the discovery of the Bloodstone, and he nervously stands guard at the rear of the group when he hears a scuffling sound from the corridor. He signals the rest of the group and readies his bow.

Eric, ever the optimist, calls out, 'Hello?'

Nim responds after a moments pause, 'err hello guys.'

'Nim is that you?' Hekdar calls into the darkness as he raises his sun imbued mace overhead, 'by the suns light how did you find us?'

Nim shuffles into the room, covered in dirt and dust, he explains his following the group and his desire to rejoin them.

'Just stop scalping everything.' grunts Eric, as he and Hekdar check him over for injuries.

The group now uses the light boned Elf as a 'fishing' lure and lowers him down the steep cliff. Several hours of concentrated work and the group is down over a hundred feet to a swift moving stream. The cave in has opened a new underground world for them to explore, and without further ado, the group begins a long and exhausting trek along the underground stream.

They overcome blockages and a group of aquatic monsters and eventually arrive at the back of a large cavern. Nim climbs out of the chilling water and cautiously approaches a dim fire. He finds the partially eaten remains of a horse and other signs of some creatures living in the place. Krong scents the air and realizes that they are in a orc lair! There's a current of something foul and dank in this filth filled cavern.

The group explores the area carefully and discovers a few trinkets and treasures, then Oserman is scented by a group of caged dire wolves! Worried that their barking would alert others he attempts to do battle with the creatures, when Krong (not always the smartest member of the group) unloads his blunderbuss at the charging wolves....

Shouts come down the tunnel...someone has been alerted!


2 exp to each of the party members. Approximately 13 hours has passed since the cave in occured and the group was trapped in the cave.

This session was very interesting as I had 7 players in it! Only a few problems with disconnects, but thanks again to having a voice channel we had no problems with getting folks back on and keeping the game going.

A few things; Whisper messages to the DM are very cool, but it uses an ID system (ID0001 sent you a message) since I have no idea who that is, its very frustrating. I wish that FG would give a proper identifier for whispers, as well as allow whispers between players (though it would be cool if the DM could 'listen in' to the whispers).

Evernight has a few 'slow' sections to allow the story to progress without the PC's being involved in it. This was one of those sections and it was fun to have the group overcome dangerous terrain and make their way through the collapsed caverns. I thought they handled the situation very well with few, if any, problems, good teamwork and thinking really paid off as no one was injured during this trek and I had many opportunities to injure or even kill hapless characters.

1 comment:

SteveM said...

Journal entry by Elensar:

I was taking up rear guard near the entrance of the room when I heard something. The sound came from the corridor we'd come in. Not sure what the sound was, but it sounded like something walking. I quickly alerted the rest of the Fist to quiet down and listen. That got a few of them interested.

As I ready my bow and prepare for whatever may be, several came near me by the entrance to check it out, then Eric calls out. I'm thinking, he sure wasn't trained as I was, to be cautious of the surroundings. As a ranger, doing something like that just might get you killed. Lucky for us, it turned out to be our companion Nim that we haven't seen in a while.

After the brief reunion the long descent into the drop off where the water mist came from started. First we sent a a scout to check it out. It ended up being a two stage descent as it was a very long drop but with a nicely place ledge for regrouping. I need to remember that one can never have too much rope. The smell of dampness was all around as trudged through the running water.

Eventually we get to a place in the tunnel where a waterfall is. It is tall enough that I volunteer to be let down on the rope to check it out. It is OK, and since I can swim I signal for the others to follow. With the three torches, it looked like the far bank sloped up and was muddy but firm. Some started swimming to the far bank and others tried to cling to the rough walls to make their way to the other side when some strange creatures come up out of the water. The green things didn't take long and started to attack us with spears. With some quick thinking and magic, one of our group blast the creatures. The blow nearly got me but the creatures seemed to be repelled by the light. The group attacked them further until the last of them was gone.

Once out of the water, we are in a large cavern and find that someone has left a fire still smoldering. Nim goes and checks it out. After being in the cold water for so long, it felt good to have a chance to get some warmth back.