Sunday, December 16, 2007

Evernight Session 8

Session 8 December 6, 2007
Elf - Hekdar
deguello - Bexar Mexia
TaranShannara - Elesar
Oswyn - Oserman
Harry the Fish - Eric Redding
Wook - Bruce
MrHack - Krong

The group has suprised a band of orcs who are about to torture some miners. In the melee that follows a lone half-orc who had been observing the orcs opens fire with his blunderbuss upon the confused orcs. This is Krong a fallen musketeer from Kings Port who's out to prove himself to the world.

During the bloody battle the group co-ordinates their attacks and quickly mops up the orcs, then they turn their attention upon the gore covered half-orc who has helped them.

After a bit of conversation they agree to free the hostages, and welcome the aid of the musketeer into their ranks, though some don't trust the 'green skin' as far as they can throw him. Upon being untied the hapless miners tell a tale of ambush and near torture by the orcs and promise to spread the word of the 'Fist of Solace' to the town of Aragron. They stumble off into the approaching darkness and the group continues onward.

Soon they find a group of horses tied to some trees outside of a cave entrance....

- if you are going to play Evernight you may not wish to read the rest of this post-

Inside the caves they find some fresh tracks leading them past an obvious trap and down a corridor. There they discover a nasty suprise; a trap that delivers a blow of mental energy when set off. They devise a cunning way around the trap and move onward. Soon they come to a large cave where the signs of a recent battle lay scattered around them.

In pools of blood lie three members of the Scarlet Riders; dead, in fact, chopped to pieces somehow. Scattered amoungst the brave hero's are two strange crab-like creatures that bleed green ichor. Curious to see what has become of the Riders, Hekdar approaches a glowing wall. Suddenly and with near total suprise a third crab creature drops from the ceiling beside the priest.

In an instant the bizarre monster begins spinning madly like a top, flinging out its razor sharp clawed appendages that send the hapless priest flying in a blood soaked heap against the wall.

Instantly the Fists react to the attack and open fire on the foul beast. Only to discover that it is covered with a thick protective chiton. Several members charge the creature and other members let fly with magic and gunpowder upon the monster.

Luckily they are able to kill the monstrosity in time for Eric to call upon the healing powers of Solace to save Hekdar.

Upon regaining consciousness Hekdar points to the nearby wall and the group discovers a Sa Karan bloodstone! A powerful magical artifact. Hekdar pries the stone from the wall and holds it up to examine it. Bexar, overcome with greed with seeing the gem, rushes forward to try and wrest the stone from the priests hands. They tussel and fight over the artifact.

Suddenly the cave begins to shake and huge boulders begin to fall from the roof! Its an earthquake! The group gathers up what they can easily find in the room and still struggling over the bloodstone, Hekdar and Bexar go with the group back down the cave to a safe area where they wait out the aftershocks, while still arguing about the bloodstone. Elensar who remembers legends of the stones is unhappy about its discovery but says nothing to the other members of the Fists.


A fun game with some entertaining roleplaying and discoveries. Evernight has begun!

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