Hi all;
I figured I'd post some campaign notes on my Savage Worlds Evernight game I'm running using FG2.
First off a few things; I like to use Teamspeak for OOC and sometimes helping folks with stuff (and sometimes I even make sound effects if everyone is on TS). SW is a very different system than d20 based games, for one thing you're not limited by your class, you can be a powerful wizard who likes to run around and smack things with a two handed maul wearing plate, it isn't limiting or restrictive. When I speak about a characters class I usually mean his background profession or obvious trade/order.
As an introduction to the campaign for both myself and the players I've decided to 'bash' Against the Orcs into the Evernight setting.
Game session 1: Sept 26,2007, 19:00 PST
- a long initial load for all the players (is this caused by the ruleset?), but once in little or no lag (I would pre-load most maps).
-longarms (Nim)- choose to play the half elf streetrat, your standard lowlife that inhabits most cities. He likes the throwing knives.
-tammy (Bruce) - her first SW game, she choose the Slayer, a human character who is a professional killer. In this ones case its monster hunting not human hunting, though some slayers are professional assassins.
-omegaman (Galev) - The Red Knight caught his fancy. Think of a warpriest and you'll have the idea. Having faith based miracles never hurts when your off fighting evil...
-Oz (Ozerman) - the dwarven fighter, a good solid character with flintlock pistol and a mighty battle axe.
The group has all found there way to Baron Loxlyns residence in the City of Kings Port. They stand around eyeing each other for a few moments until a fine liveried footman opens the main door of the mansion and invites them in.
Inside they meet the Baron Loxlyn who offers them a job - (I'm not going to tell you everything about the module...). They barter a bit, and Nim proposes that they receive a bounty for the orc scalps. The Baron is disgusted with the request, but hides it well, "we'll have to see about that.." he responds having never before heard such a barbaric request. He escorts the group to his armory, supplies them with rations and maps and quickly bids them 'adieu'.
Nonplussed the group musters together and begin their three day trek along the Kings Road using only shanks pony. On the first day, Bruce makes an amazing shot and kills a fine buck, the group feasts on the fine venison and prepare several days worth of extra rations over their campfire. The next few days on the road pass uneventfully with only a few other travelers moving past them as they make their way uphill. They take a turn off the Kings Road and begin traveling the less well maintained road to the tiny village of Roxbury.
As they approach a rude bridge crossing a fast moving stream the keen eyed half elf Nim spots several shapes moving in the nearby trees, 'Orcs!' he shouts readying his knives.
Their ambush ruined, the scouting party rushes out of concealment with loud warcries. A nasty but short fight ensues with the orcs falling under the parties combined skills with nary a wound amoungst them. Emboldened by the assault Nim scalps the orcs, and even is able to double scalp one of the fallen warriors (showing five scalps instead of just four). He proudly hangs the scalps on his belt, Galev is unimpressed with this display, but stays silent...
They move onward through the hills and valleys to the recently logged area surrounding the village of Roxbury, where they find that the near constant rain has turned the towns recently farmed fields into thick soupy mud. Only the road provides somewhat stable footing as the group moves in the darkening evening sky towards the gate of the strangely still town.
With a great deal of shock they realize that the barricade wall, watch tower, and even the towns gate are all unfinished and unmanned. Seems the locals went to their farming before concentrating on their safety. The town seems oddly deserted and only a few houses show smoke rising lazily above their chimneys as they trudge through the forced opened gates and into the village green their eyes constantly scanning for ambush or the bodies of slaughtered villagers.
The sounds of prayer could be discerned coming from the nearby Temple to Solace, and they move towards the finest building in the town with thoughts of a warm meal and a dry bed. The door is springs open and a lad of about fourteen years jumps out of the temple waving a rust covered spear at the group as he stutters out a challenge.
They quickly convince him of their good intent (the Red knights being there really impressed the lad), and he shows them into the temple, after cautioning them to be silent as services to the Sun god are under way. The group follows into the well lit space and one of the churchgoers; a woman near the back of the church notices the bloody sodden scalps attached to Nims belt. She shrieks in terror...
Instantly the townsmen jump to their feet and the village headman Adelmar rushes over to group. Spotting the scalps he is at once disgusted and terrified for his town, for the orcs are a clannish bunch who take insult easily.
"You've brought ruin upon us all!" he cries pointing at the offending scalps, "now the local tribe will seek vengeance upon us all for your slaying of their kinsmen."
They hand him their documents from the Baron and inform them that they are there to help protect the village. Upset with their obvious bravado in the face of danger, Adelmar returns to his evening services in an attempt to calm the agitated villagers.
The group waits quietly until the service is over and Adelmar brings them down to his home for a bowl of havest stew. Ozerman and Bruce decide against the meal and instead do a patrol of the towns fortificatons, well, Ozerman scouts the walls and Bruce climbs the rickety ladder to the rather unstable top of the watch tower.
Nim and Galev discuss the Barons army and its arrival and how the town must protect itself from the orcish threat with Adelmar who though somewhat mollified with their attitude is still worried about the orcs anger.
He explains how the town had hoped to escape the wrath of the local orc tribes by just clearing and farming in this immediate vicinity. He also explains how they have too few able bodied adults to make an escape to the nearest town.
Nim thinking about the towns defences asks about lamp oil, yes the town has two barrels of recently pressed and filtered oil. He asks Adelmar permission to use the oil in a plan he has come up with. Unsure of the requests nature, but willing to see what the half elf has planned the Headman agrees and shows the pair to his storage cellar where the barrels of oil sit.
Outside, Ozerman notices some movement in the darkness near the edge of the woods and spends a few moments watching for more movement when he becomes convinced that there is actually a group of orcs stealthily moving towards the town.
Nim takes some oil from the barrels and without any explanation to the others walks out of the town to a space near the larges unfinished section of the wall, there he pours the oil onto the muddy ground, just as Ozerman shouts out the alarm.
A large battle ensues with the light from the oil fire aiding Bruce's expert firing of his crossbow at the mud bogged orcs as they rush towards the town. Still a few of the brave creatures find their way into the town and a whirlwind close battle ensues, with the group narrowly escaping with their lives. Nim is wounded twice in the battle, once by a misplaced shot fired by Ozerman and then by a mighty blow laid into him by one of the orc raiders.
Galev rushes over to aid Nim with the blessings of Solace as the townsfolk finally mobilize themselves to defend their homes....
That was the first session of the campaign, hopefully I didn't miss too much of what was going on. It took us about 2.5 hours to get to that point. A few of the delays were with me figuring out how to populate large numbers of orcs onto the initiative tracker, and how to show them as being shaken or incapacitated, so hopefully battles will move forward quicker next time.
I figure the group deserves 2 experience points for the session with an extra bennie being given to Nim for the next session for his clever idea about the fire, though I think he was thinking of using it to impede the orcs not light them up for Bruce to have a better chance of hitting them. I don't allow bennie conversions to experience points so unused bennies are discarded and new ones taken at the start of the next session.
I liked how easy it was to get the hang of using FG, I've used screenmonkey, klooge and ghostorb VTT's in my past, and FG was the easiest to manipulate, though I miss easy targetting of icons during battle, or light source 'fog of war'. The pre-loading feature of FG is a great idea and the SW ruleset worked great (except for not having an easy way to show 'shaken' characters/npc's). I loved the ability to change the light of the game though I wish there was a darker 'night' option, it surprised Oz when I changed the light level (it was his first time using FG) he thought something had happened to his monitor.
I'm looking forward to continuing the adventure....interested players are always welcome!
I figured I'd post some campaign notes on my Savage Worlds Evernight game I'm running using FG2.
First off a few things; I like to use Teamspeak for OOC and sometimes helping folks with stuff (and sometimes I even make sound effects if everyone is on TS). SW is a very different system than d20 based games, for one thing you're not limited by your class, you can be a powerful wizard who likes to run around and smack things with a two handed maul wearing plate, it isn't limiting or restrictive. When I speak about a characters class I usually mean his background profession or obvious trade/order.
As an introduction to the campaign for both myself and the players I've decided to 'bash' Against the Orcs into the Evernight setting.
Game session 1: Sept 26,2007, 19:00 PST
- a long initial load for all the players (is this caused by the ruleset?), but once in little or no lag (I would pre-load most maps).
-longarms (Nim)- choose to play the half elf streetrat, your standard lowlife that inhabits most cities. He likes the throwing knives.
-tammy (Bruce) - her first SW game, she choose the Slayer, a human character who is a professional killer. In this ones case its monster hunting not human hunting, though some slayers are professional assassins.
-omegaman (Galev) - The Red Knight caught his fancy. Think of a warpriest and you'll have the idea. Having faith based miracles never hurts when your off fighting evil...
-Oz (Ozerman) - the dwarven fighter, a good solid character with flintlock pistol and a mighty battle axe.
The group has all found there way to Baron Loxlyns residence in the City of Kings Port. They stand around eyeing each other for a few moments until a fine liveried footman opens the main door of the mansion and invites them in.
Inside they meet the Baron Loxlyn who offers them a job - (I'm not going to tell you everything about the module...). They barter a bit, and Nim proposes that they receive a bounty for the orc scalps. The Baron is disgusted with the request, but hides it well, "we'll have to see about that.." he responds having never before heard such a barbaric request. He escorts the group to his armory, supplies them with rations and maps and quickly bids them 'adieu'.
Nonplussed the group musters together and begin their three day trek along the Kings Road using only shanks pony. On the first day, Bruce makes an amazing shot and kills a fine buck, the group feasts on the fine venison and prepare several days worth of extra rations over their campfire. The next few days on the road pass uneventfully with only a few other travelers moving past them as they make their way uphill. They take a turn off the Kings Road and begin traveling the less well maintained road to the tiny village of Roxbury.
As they approach a rude bridge crossing a fast moving stream the keen eyed half elf Nim spots several shapes moving in the nearby trees, 'Orcs!' he shouts readying his knives.
Their ambush ruined, the scouting party rushes out of concealment with loud warcries. A nasty but short fight ensues with the orcs falling under the parties combined skills with nary a wound amoungst them. Emboldened by the assault Nim scalps the orcs, and even is able to double scalp one of the fallen warriors (showing five scalps instead of just four). He proudly hangs the scalps on his belt, Galev is unimpressed with this display, but stays silent...
They move onward through the hills and valleys to the recently logged area surrounding the village of Roxbury, where they find that the near constant rain has turned the towns recently farmed fields into thick soupy mud. Only the road provides somewhat stable footing as the group moves in the darkening evening sky towards the gate of the strangely still town.
With a great deal of shock they realize that the barricade wall, watch tower, and even the towns gate are all unfinished and unmanned. Seems the locals went to their farming before concentrating on their safety. The town seems oddly deserted and only a few houses show smoke rising lazily above their chimneys as they trudge through the forced opened gates and into the village green their eyes constantly scanning for ambush or the bodies of slaughtered villagers.
The sounds of prayer could be discerned coming from the nearby Temple to Solace, and they move towards the finest building in the town with thoughts of a warm meal and a dry bed. The door is springs open and a lad of about fourteen years jumps out of the temple waving a rust covered spear at the group as he stutters out a challenge.
They quickly convince him of their good intent (the Red knights being there really impressed the lad), and he shows them into the temple, after cautioning them to be silent as services to the Sun god are under way. The group follows into the well lit space and one of the churchgoers; a woman near the back of the church notices the bloody sodden scalps attached to Nims belt. She shrieks in terror...
Instantly the townsmen jump to their feet and the village headman Adelmar rushes over to group. Spotting the scalps he is at once disgusted and terrified for his town, for the orcs are a clannish bunch who take insult easily.
"You've brought ruin upon us all!" he cries pointing at the offending scalps, "now the local tribe will seek vengeance upon us all for your slaying of their kinsmen."
They hand him their documents from the Baron and inform them that they are there to help protect the village. Upset with their obvious bravado in the face of danger, Adelmar returns to his evening services in an attempt to calm the agitated villagers.
The group waits quietly until the service is over and Adelmar brings them down to his home for a bowl of havest stew. Ozerman and Bruce decide against the meal and instead do a patrol of the towns fortificatons, well, Ozerman scouts the walls and Bruce climbs the rickety ladder to the rather unstable top of the watch tower.
Nim and Galev discuss the Barons army and its arrival and how the town must protect itself from the orcish threat with Adelmar who though somewhat mollified with their attitude is still worried about the orcs anger.
He explains how the town had hoped to escape the wrath of the local orc tribes by just clearing and farming in this immediate vicinity. He also explains how they have too few able bodied adults to make an escape to the nearest town.
Nim thinking about the towns defences asks about lamp oil, yes the town has two barrels of recently pressed and filtered oil. He asks Adelmar permission to use the oil in a plan he has come up with. Unsure of the requests nature, but willing to see what the half elf has planned the Headman agrees and shows the pair to his storage cellar where the barrels of oil sit.
Outside, Ozerman notices some movement in the darkness near the edge of the woods and spends a few moments watching for more movement when he becomes convinced that there is actually a group of orcs stealthily moving towards the town.
Nim takes some oil from the barrels and without any explanation to the others walks out of the town to a space near the larges unfinished section of the wall, there he pours the oil onto the muddy ground, just as Ozerman shouts out the alarm.
A large battle ensues with the light from the oil fire aiding Bruce's expert firing of his crossbow at the mud bogged orcs as they rush towards the town. Still a few of the brave creatures find their way into the town and a whirlwind close battle ensues, with the group narrowly escaping with their lives. Nim is wounded twice in the battle, once by a misplaced shot fired by Ozerman and then by a mighty blow laid into him by one of the orc raiders.
Galev rushes over to aid Nim with the blessings of Solace as the townsfolk finally mobilize themselves to defend their homes....
That was the first session of the campaign, hopefully I didn't miss too much of what was going on. It took us about 2.5 hours to get to that point. A few of the delays were with me figuring out how to populate large numbers of orcs onto the initiative tracker, and how to show them as being shaken or incapacitated, so hopefully battles will move forward quicker next time.
I figure the group deserves 2 experience points for the session with an extra bennie being given to Nim for the next session for his clever idea about the fire, though I think he was thinking of using it to impede the orcs not light them up for Bruce to have a better chance of hitting them. I don't allow bennie conversions to experience points so unused bennies are discarded and new ones taken at the start of the next session.
I liked how easy it was to get the hang of using FG, I've used screenmonkey, klooge and ghostorb VTT's in my past, and FG was the easiest to manipulate, though I miss easy targetting of icons during battle, or light source 'fog of war'. The pre-loading feature of FG is a great idea and the SW ruleset worked great (except for not having an easy way to show 'shaken' characters/npc's). I loved the ability to change the light of the game though I wish there was a darker 'night' option, it surprised Oz when I changed the light level (it was his first time using FG) he thought something had happened to his monitor.
I'm looking forward to continuing the adventure....interested players are always welcome!
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