Sunday, December 16, 2007

Evernight Session 4

Session 4 Monday Oct 15, 19:00
Players - characters - class
Longarms - Nim - Streetrat (rogue)
Tammy - Bruce - Slayer (monster hunter)
Tanan-Tarrin – Fencer ***not present
WildElf - Hekdar - Sunpriest (clergy of Solace)
Taran - Elensar – Ranger (played by Sgain as an NPC)
Oz - Ozerman - fighter
Oz - Red - Red knight

The group continues searching for Norgrugs lair along the rain swept hills. On the third day of their search they are ambushed by a band of goblins. They spring into battle and quickly lay waste to the nasty greenskins. At the end of the fight they find a wounded goblin in the nearby bush who they intimidate into talking.
The creature tells them of a secret entrance to the Norgrugs lair, they set out searching for the 'grey hill' and eventually find a small cave. Outside of which are dozens of small bones and scraps. Ozerman, the dwarven fighter enters first with his flintlock and axe in hand. The other members follow closely behind as they enter the dank cave.
Ozerman is attacked by a huge spider that ensnares him in a mass of sticky webs, the nearest party members try to cut him out, when Hekdar spots the spider closing in for the kill and blasts it with a jolt of sunlight that sends its smoking corpse to the cavern floor.
They explore the cavern and eventually find a well hidden door in one wall segment. Carefully they open it and find an empty corridor, they explore it and Ozerman hears sounds of movement around a corner in the hall, he signals Nim who moves over and when the pair are ready they jump out behind a pair of orcs who are guarding a staircase. A nasty fight ensues, with other members of the group rushing in to help but being blocked by the closeness of the corridor. Even tally they kill the orcs, and Nim notices more figures moving towards them down a hallway....

This was a fun session, with me having just suffered a major bout of the flu. The game moved a bit slow at first, which is typical of 'searching' adventures, as the group scouted around for clues to Norgrug's hideout (I expected no less than four days searching and wasn't surprised). Once they found the cave entrance to the hideout things began to move a bit better, especially once they encountered the orcs. I was shocked that Ozerman would fire his flintlock in a confined space as it alerted the orcs to their presence, but then again, sometimes in the heat and excitement of battle folks forget things.

We did prove that the Quick edge is not working in the combat tracker, and this is a major problem! As I have to be informed (or notice) when quick characters don't pull a card above 5 on their initiative. I'll change that characters edge to Level Headed and see what happens....

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